Generalforsamling og foredrag af Prof Jørn Dyerberg - Kåret som International ”Living Legend”
25 Februar:
Prof Jørn Dyerberg er nu officielt en International ”Living Legend”
Den Internationale Sammenslutning af Ernæringsvidenskaber (IUNS) har tildelt Jørn Dyerberg en pris som ” Living Legend of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences for outstanding research, development of nutritional sciences, national recognition, and contribution to IUNS and other international organisations”. Indstillingen til prisen kom fra Dansk Selskab for Ernæringsforskning med følgende begrundelse:
“Professor Jørn Dyerberg was one of the pioneers in the discovery of the occurrence of polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids in our food and in the announcement of their beneficial health effects. His work opened up a whole new field of research that has grown enormously since that first scientific publication in the 1970s.
Together with his fellow countryman, Professor H.O. Bang, and English biochemist Professor Hugh Sinclair, he demonstrated the unique physiological effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids belonging to the Omega-3 series in marine animals. He and his colleagues made their discoveries while studying the eating habits of Greenland’s Inuit Eskimo population, and they were also the first to theorize that the rarity of coronary heart disease among the Inuit could be due to their eating habits and high intake of Omega-3 fatty acids. Since then, thousands of scientific publications have reported on efforts to further develop this theory.
Current nutritional recommendations from around the world reflect these scientific discoveries and, consequently, generally recommend people to eat more fish in order to increase the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in their blood.
Jørn Dyerberg is 76 years old and underwent his physician training at Aarhus University, where he received his doctorate in 1973. He has served as chief physician and head of the Aalborg hospital. Dyerberg has been a professor in Copenhagen since 2001.”
Tirsdag d.25 Februar 2014, kl. 17.00-19.30
SCIENCE-KU, Frederiksberg Campus
Thorvaldsensvej 40, Lokale ??
Kl. 17.00-17.30
Efter Selskab for Ernæringsforsknings generalforsamling den 25. Februar 2014 vil vi markere udnævnelsen. Jørn Dyerberg vil blandt andet fortælle om n-3 fedtsyre pionértiden.
Foredrag ved Jørn Dyerberg (Still Living Legend):
”Marine n-3 flerumættede fedtsyrer – et ernæringsområde introduceret af den Grønlandske Inuit”
Interessen for de biologiske og helserelaterede effekter af marine langkædede n-3 flerumættede fedtsyrer, har sin oprindelse i undersøgelser af den grønlandske fanger- og fiskerbefolkning foretaget i 1970’erne. Årsagen til disse undersøgelser var konfliktfyldte data om lav forekomst af iskæmisk hjerte-kar sygdom trods en fedtrig kost i denne befolkning.
Resultaterne af disse undersøgelser medførte, at interessen for de biologiske effekter af marine langkædede n-3 flerumættede fedtsyrer blev vakt, og forskningen har nu nået et omfang der gør denne disciplin til et centralt område i den humane ernæringsvidenskab.
Foredragsholderen vil berette om 1970er ekspeditionerne til Grønlands vestkyst samt om vor nuværende viden om de biologiske effekter af n-3 PUFA.
Efterfølgende vil SfE byde på et glas så vi sammen kan hædre Jørn Dyerberg.